

Since 2002, here’s what your gifts have helped us achieve.

  • 6,500 Sisters have attended workshops on HIV/AIDS.
  • 150 Sisters have earned undergraduate degrees in counseling.
  • 11 Sisters have completed Master’s-level degrees in counseling; 6 Sisters are currently enrolled in graduate-level counseling degree programs.
  • 150 Sisters have completed the five-month program, Transformative Spiritual Leadership and Faith Development.
  • 48 Sisters completed the Diploma Program in Transformative Education and Faith

Make our dreams a reality.

Your continued support for AAC:SS will make sure more Sisters receive the training they need to alleviate the HIV/AIDS crisis and the impact of extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.


Sub-­Saharan Africa has nearly 70% of the global population living with HIV.


Worldwide, sub-­Saharan Africa accounts for 91% of new infections among children.