Uganda, Africa


During a monumental four year process Ugandan Sisters made great efforts to visit each religious convent in the country in order to raise issues and clarify the needs of local Sisters. Subsequently after numerous planning meetings they offered a national AAC:SS conference in May 2006.

As a response to a fundamental need expressed at this conference, local women religious initiated a Counseling Training Program for Sisters (CTPS) in March 2007. This counseling program provides training with a focus on HIV/AIDS. In October 2011, seventeen Sisters graduated with Bachelor degrees of Counseling Psychology. Six of these Sisters have begun studies for a Master’s degree. Sixty-seven Sisters have earned diplomas at CTPS which relies upon scholarships from the AAC:SS in order to enable Sisters living in extreme poverty to earn their diplomas/degrees. This program is offered under the auspices of Kisubi Brothers University College, a constituent College of Uganda Martyrs University. An Ugandan Sister is the Director of this program.

Outreach to Sisters in Uganda

A Religious psychologist from St. Luke’s Institute in Silver Spring, MD, offered a ten-day workshop in January 2008 to the Sisters participating in the counseling program and to thirty-six other Sisters who are engaged in the training of young women religious. Subsequently, she conducted a four-day workshop on similar issues for Ugandan Religious Superiors. Both workshops addressed the issues of fostering healthy and integrated sexuality for Religious.


CTPS Outreach to Northern Uganda

The AAC:SS has funded the construction of a counseling center in Lira, a village in war-torn northern Uganda where the ravages of war, rape, and poverty permeate people’s lives. This center is an outgrowth of the Counseling Training Program for Sisters (CTPS) in Kisubi Brothers University College, Entebbe.

Counseling Training Program for Sister Graduates

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