How you can help

In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is an outcome of poverty.
By embracing our goal to break the silence surrounding HIV/AIDS, you will be supporting our mission to alleviate one of the key predictors of poverty and human suffering.

If you are a member of a religious community of women… support our programs in solidarity with the women religious of sub-Saharan Africa.  Sister to Sister extends beyond the borders of six countries.  To do our work, we need the help of all sisters wherever they may be.

  • Pray with us.
  • Support our educational programs with a gift from your community.
  • Publicize our work.

If you are a person of faith… commit to helping us break the silence that surrounds HIV/AIDS by educating more women religious to serve individuals and families living with the disease.

  • Pray for us.
  • Become a Sister to Sister donor.
  • Hold a fundraiser to support our work

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